Thursday, May 8, 2008

Skippy and Alex , New hamsters

I am in the midst of making dinner for Ray and I, it is chicken Terryaki. Thought I'd make an entry as it is heating up.
Good news- The hamster from the other day didn't get the food stuck in his cheek pouch , after some time he did push out all the food on his own. I was so relieved to see that.
The little hamster boys Alex and Skippy were adopted :) These brothers were so attached to each other , they had to be adopted together. Now they are home, their new family is amazing, they adore hamsters.
Yesterday a new family of hamsters arrived. Babies of various ages, from different litters. We have 5 girls and 4 boys . It may take me a while to come up with good names for them.
Tomorrow I'll be seeing Dr.Fijas with three guinea pigs. One is Yabbo, he is our own guinea pig, he has a neurological disorder. His left eye has suddenly become cloudy and droopy looking, I am worried. Another guinea pig, Prince, has some fur loss on his belly. And Blaze the guinea pig has a black crusty on his ear that I thought was a scab but it hasn't gone away or changed over time, I am afraid it may be something else. I will write back after the vet visit to let you all know how they made out.
Here are some pictures of the brother, Skippy and Alex

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