Monday, October 8, 2007

Dryer on the fritz

Not much has happened today, just normal routine. I cleaned some hammies, and the sugar gliders, also cleaned Blaze the guinea pig. Now I'll clean and play with Kodiak and Americana the ferrets, once they are done, I'll play with Bandit the ferret. I'll also change out the 3 rat boys towels and hammocks, and give them some loving and attention.
Our dryer isn't working right, it is getting warm inside and is tumbling but it isn't drying. We do have a repair man coming in tomorrow. But it has put a halt on some of the cleaning I do. I need to clean Fagan's pen but he has mainly blankets and beds that need to go right in the washer and dryer, plus many of our rescues have beds, blankets, fleece and hammocks all which get washed and dried on a routine basis. Maybe that's why the dryer is protesting, heheh. Hope it is fixable. I dread the day something happens to the vacuum, I am constantly vacuuming up stray turds, hay and bedding. It is an unending process, but I'll do anything for these guys. Cleaning is the least I can do for them.
I'm going to head my way to the ferrets , good night everyone :)

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