Thursday, November 22, 2007

And more babies

Yesterday , I isolated a female hamster that I was sure was pregnant into her own cage. And sure enough, today I discovered she had a batch of babies. This came from the group of nine hamsters that were a mix of 3 females, 2 males and 4 babies, all in one cage, a recipe for baby making. I seperated them all immediately, but I knew it was too late, I KNEW those females were already heavy with babies. I oringinally thought the 4 babies that I had named, Glitter, Jitter, Jules and Jubilee were all females. I inspected them today, and one is a definite male and the rest are females, thankfully they aren't old enough to procreate for another week. I always double check the little guys, sometimes they don't "show" until they are a little bigger what gender they are. So, Jubilee is a boy, and he moved in with Marco, Marcus and Nicholas, all boys that are only a week older than he is, they are getting along wonderfully.
Yesterday 3 guinea pigs arrived here. They are females, their names are Squiggy, Margo and Mini Margo. They are dark colored short hairs, and they are nervous and frightened in this new house, but I am sure they will calm down and open up very soon. They love timothy hay :) They will be getting checked out by Dr.T in the near future and I'll have pictures of them to post soon too.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I sure did , turkey, stuffing, mashed potatos , all the traditional foods. Then I had 2 slices of pie, I couldn't help myself. Ray and I played a game called Taboo with the family, it was a blast, a great day. What did everyone else do?


Anonymous said...

Rachel, you are a world class "namer". I love each and every name you give the "critters". How you think them all up, I can't imagine. Good work!!

small pet rescue said...

Barb, I can't take the credit for the female guinea pig's names, Margo, Mini Margo and Squiggy, they came with those names.
It is difficult to think of an appropriate name for any pet that comes to us without a name. Sometimes that is the difficult part of rescuing for me, thinking of the perfect name for that pet.